
Sunday, 16 December 2012

'Heal the broken hearted and bind up their wounds.'

It would've been a pretty average journey on the London Underground during the Friday 'rush hour' if I hadn't chosen to sit where I did. Five minutes into sifting through the day's copy of the Metro, the lady next to me burst into song. I have absolutely no idea what language she was singing in, or what she was singing about but it was utterly enchanting. She sounded so wonderfully happy and the feeling certainly rubbed off on me! Well, until I realised that I was the only person who seemed to be enjoying it. The straight laced business men shuffled about uncomfortably and tried to avoid eye contact, the school kids laughed and pointed, and a nervous looking woman even moved carriage. 

Their various reactions surprised me. Okay I know the weather's dreary, we're all feeling a bit snuffly and there are still countless more presents to buy but on that very same day 27 people died in a shooting at a school in Connecticut - 20 of them children. Hearts all over the world ache for the loved ones who endured such a tragic event. Whether you celebrate Christmas for religious reasons or not, President Obama's use of the biblical quote 'Heal the broken hearted and bind up their wounds.' (Psalm 147:3) rings loud and clear to all of us. 

Honestly, I don't mean to preach. I'm one of those annoying people who gets excited about Christmas as soon as Halloween is over (I give my sincere apologies to those of you who walk around with 'bah, humbug!' etched across your foreheads)! I simply grin at the idea of us all being as happy as the lady I was fortunate enough to sit next to on the tube, even if it is just for a few days each year. This Christmas, many families aren't going to experience that happiness. So when we're surrounded by the people that we so greatly care about during the festive season, spare a thought for those who aren't as fortunate. Christmas is a time for giving right? Well, economic climate pushed aside, one gift is absolutely free. A smile. 

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